Mud Kitchen Kids & Loose Parts Play
“There is little more important in our physical world than earth and water and they are truly intriguing things, especially when they interact. ”
–Jan White, Outdoor Early Education Consultant
What is a Mud Kitchen?
In a world where children often have many rules and restrictions, a mud kitchen is an environment where children are self-directed and free to lead with their own ideas.
The intrinsic qualities of a mud kitchen include surroundings rich in sensory motor opportunities that spark imagination, creativity, exploration, and experimentation.
Activities are freely chosen and naturally motivating without the need of a clear beginning or ending.
The child is actively learning with complete autonomy and agency over their materials and designs; free of the pressure to “get it right.”
​Focus and Benefits
Fosters healthy development of the sensory motor system
Promotes Imagination
Sparks Creativity
Strengthens Gross & Fine Motor
Problem Solving
Managing Emotions
Cooperation & Social Skills
Develops a growth mindset
Sessions are created and led by a pediatric occupational therapist to support your child's "just right" challenge.
Class Details ​
Ages 4 - 8
Open enrichment class - not considered OT
Drop off class - caregivers do not stay on site
Must be potty trained
All classes are 2 hours
Meet rain or shine
Approximately 6 weeks - no make up classes
Small adult/child ratio ​
Class size approximately 13 children